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French Numbers 1000 and up

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millemil1000 - one thousand
deux milledø mil2000 - two thousand
deux mille cinq centsdø mil sɛ̃k sɑ̃2500 - two thousand five hundred
dix mille quatre cent quatre-vingt-dix-huitdi mil katɾ sə katɾ-vɛ̃-diz-ɥit
10 498 - ten thousand four hundred ninety eight
un millionœ̃ mil jõ1 000 000 - one million
deux millionsdø mil jõ2 000 000 - two million
un milliardœ̃ mil jaɾ1 000 000 000 - one billion
un billionœ̃ bil jõ1 000 000 000 000 - one trillion
un million de livresœ̃ mil jõ də livɾa million of books
des milliards d’étoilesde mil jaɾ de twalbillions of stars 

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Learn French from anywhere. On this website or via the app. We have grammar notes, vocabulary, exercises, games. Just the necessary stuff.

Made by Web/Mobile App Developer Mykhailo who lives in Quebec and had to learn French from scratch.