French Numbers 100-900
cent | sə | 100 - one hundred |
deux cents | dø sɑ̃ | 200 - two hundred |
trois cents | tɾwɑ sɑ̃ | 300 - three hundred |
quatre cents | katɾə sɑ̃ | 400 - four hundred |
cinq cents | sɛ̃k sɑ̃ | 500 - five hundred |
six cents | si sɑ̃ | 600 - six hundred |
sept cents | sɛt sɑ̃ | 700 - seven hundred |
huit cents | ɥi sɑ̃ | 800 - eight hundred |
neuf cents | nœf sɑ̃ | 900 - nine hundred |
cent un | sə‿ œ̃ | 101 - one hundred and one |
cent vingt-cinq | sə vɛ̃-sɛ̃k | 125 - one hundred twenty five |
deux cent un | dø sə‿ œ̃ | 201 - two hundred and one |
deux cent quarante-trois | dø sə kaɾɑ̃t tɾwɑ | 243 - two hundred forty three |
071en |
The comparative of adjectives
Comparatives of Equality, of Inferiority, of Superiority: aussi, autant de, moins, plus
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Made by Web/Mobile App Developer Mykhailo who lives in Quebec and had to learn French from scratch.