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French Numbers 100-900

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cent100 - one hundred
deux centsdø sɑ̃200 - two hundred
trois centstɾwɑ sɑ̃300 - three hundred
quatre centskatɾə sɑ̃400 - four hundred
cinq centssɛ̃k sɑ̃500 - five hundred
six centssi sɑ̃600 - six hundred
sept centssɛt sɑ̃700 - seven hundred
huit centsɥi sɑ̃800 - eight hundred
neuf centsnœf sɑ̃900 - nine hundred


cent unsə‿ œ̃101 - one hundred and one
cent vingt-cinqsə vɛ̃-sɛ̃k125 - one hundred twenty five
deux cent undø sə‿ œ̃201 - two hundred and one
deux cent quarante-troisdø sə kaɾɑ̃t tɾwɑ243 - two hundred forty three

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French Verbs Group I (part 1) Popular French Verbs Group I (part 1) - acheter, aimer, parler, réveiller, jouer, rencontrer, chanter, manquer, rappeler, rester, essayer, inquiéter, embaucher.

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Made by Web/Mobile App Developer Mykhailo who lives in Quebec and had to learn French from scratch.